Environmental prevention:
What to do to live in this land of humans? Is it to be President of the Republic? To be a
minister? To be a diplomat? To be a member of parliament? To be a military authority? To
be an ecclesiastical authority? To be a strong man? To be married or single? To be a
woman? To have many diplomas? To have vast experience in some speciality? To have
many wives? To have many children? To have a lot of wealth? The answer is NO.
Look around you and take a good look! What do you see?
Today, the whole world covers half of his face, man wants to live on this earth for a long
time, distrusting his fellow human beings because of Covid 19, preferring to live in an
unhealthy environment, the unhealthy becoming his best friend.
In the same way, death is always on our side. It's not just the coronavirus that kills, but dirt
also kills faster than Covid-19, as it is the source of many more and various diseases.
To be healthy and live long in this land of Humans, you need to clean up your living
space. That's why the statement "A healthy body in a healthy environment" is justified.
Text written by Don Ruelas
Originally created: 2021
Subject: Social
Material: Paper
Medium: Photo and painting
Styles: Abstract Expressionism