Sérgio Embanga


"I direct you to social themes, such as religion, democracy and freedom, in a harmonization of colors and abstract shapes, with the power to take us to travel and reflect on them."


Sérgio Embanga

Sérgio Lumingo, known by his artistic name Sérgio Embanga, is a talented artist with a deep passion for art that has been with him since an early age. His journey in the world of art has taken him to various places and opportunities to hone his craft and express his creativity.

Here is a brief overview of Sérgio Embanga's artistic journey:

Early Passion: Sérgio Embanga's love for art began at a young age, setting the foundation for his future artistic endeavors.

Institute of Fine Arts: He pursued his artistic education at the Institute of Fine Arts in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where he likely developed his skills and artistic vision.

Atelier Mukalay: In 1996, Sérgio attended Atelier Mukalay, which further contributed to his growth as an artist. Art workshops and ateliers often provide valuable opportunities for artists to learn, experiment, and connect with other creative minds.

Atelier Mawete: Sérgio Embanga is currently one of the artists at Atelier Mawete in Angola. Art studios like this provide artists with a space to create, collaborate, and showcase their work to a wider audience.

Artistic Residency: Sérgio had the opportunity to participate in an artistic residency at the ARMA gallery in 2018. Residencies are valuable experiences for artists to immerse themselves in their craft and explore new ideas and techniques.

Group Exhibitions: Sérgio Embanga has been part of several group exhibitions, both locally and internationally. These exhibitions provide artists with exposure and the chance to share their art with a diverse audience. Some of the exhibitions he has participated in include "Tusikama," "Escravo do 21st century," "African opulent art 2019," and "Tomorrow's Future Starts Today."

Sérgio Embanga's artistic journey showcases his dedication to his craft and his willingness to explore different opportunities and experiences in the art world. His participation in various exhibitions and collaborations demonstrates his commitment to sharing his art and creativity with the world.

Intersections #3
The 3rd edition of the "Intersections" exhibition, which ran from 12 to 14 July, was a real success, celebrating Angola's vibrant contemporary art and offering attendees an unforgettable experience. The exhibition was supported by several brands that presented innovative experiences during the pre-opening. Read on to find out more
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Art with Impact: Study visit to the Afro Renaissance exhibition
As part of our "Art with Impact" series, we explore how art can transform perspectives and foster meaningful dialogue. During the "Afro Renaissance" exhibition at Quinta da Fidalga, we had the joy of receiving guided tours from various institutions. One visit in particular stands out: a school that brought three classes - two pre-schoolers and a third grader.
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Brands with Art: Rómulo Santa Rita and the Cosal Group
On the vibrant African contemporary art scene, collaborations between artists and brands have become a powerful way of telling stories and creating meaningful connections. One notable example is the partnership between renowned Angolan artist Rómulo Santa Rita and the Cosal Group, which resulted in the creation of the cover for the book "Superbrands Angola 2023".
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Meet our Women Power
These 12 extraordinary women bring their unique voices to the contemporary art scene, enriching our platform and the art world with their distinct and innovative perspectives. By celebrating their achievements, we join together in promoting a more inclusive and diverse artistic environment, where women's voices are heard, respected and celebrated.
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Cosal x Walter Fernandes: Innovation
At the forefront of innovation and creativity, the COSAL - Comérico e Serviços de Angola group challenged the traditional boundaries of brand activation during the first Afrikanizm exhibition. In a pioneering collaboration with Walter Fernandes, one of the exhibition's featured artists, Cosal transformed one of its most emblematic products - the car - into a canvas of artistic expression. Discover how this union not only redefines the concept of marketing and branding, but also celebrates cultural identity and the power of innovation.
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By This Artist

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