Nadia Wamunyu


"I particularly like the blue because it's the color of water, mostly associated with healing."


Nadia Wamunyu

Nadia Wamunyu, born in 1993, is a contemporary visual artist and gallerist who resides and creates in Nairobi, Kenya. Her artistic journey began at a remarkably young age, with her parents' unwavering support, including providing her with watercolors and brushes when she was just three years old.

At the age of five, Nadia experienced a partial loss of hearing due to a medical error involving an overdose of antibiotics. Her father, a steadfast pillar of support and her greatest inspiration, encouraged her to explore creativity in various ways following this unfortunate incident.

Nadia's formal art career took root at the GoDown Art Centre during her high school years. There, she received guidance and mentorship from the renowned Kenyan painter Patrick Mukabi. During this early phase of her artistic journey, Nadia predominantly focused on charcoal drawings and oil paintings, capturing a diverse array of subjects, from random individuals and faces to intricate scenes of Lamu town, a captivating destination she had cherished since childhood.

Her artwork has found its way into numerous exhibitions, both locally and internationally, gracing venues such as GoDown Art Centre, Village Market, Alliance Française, Kuona Artists Collective, the US Embassy, British Council, Baitil Aman in Shela, Lamu Fort, Nairobi Museum, Polka Dot Art Gallery, Circle Art Gallery, Absa Gallery in South Africa, and Kerry Packer Civic Gallery in South Australia, among many others.

Nadia's artistic accomplishments include notable wins in competitions like the Manjano Art Competition and Exhibition, where she claimed first prize in the student category in 2013 and third prize in the artist category in 2020. Additionally, she has been an active participant in events like the Lamu Painters Festival in 2015 and 2017.

Currently, Nadia Wamunyu is a member of the Kobo Trust Artists Studio, also known as Seven Artists, located along Riara Road. She dedicates her creative energy to this artistic community and spends time at their new gallery in South C, where her passion for art continues to thrive and evolve.

"My work have been showcased both locally and internationally: GoDown Art Centre, Village Market, Alliance Francaise, Kuona Artists Collective, US Embassy, British Council, Baitil Aman in Shela, Lamu Fort, Nairobi Museum, Polka Dot Art Gallery, Circle Art Gallery, Absa Gallery in South Africa, Kerry Packer Civic Gallery in South Australia and many more. I have also participated in the Manjano Art Competition & Exhibition a prestigious annual art competition and exhibition by GoDown Art Centre and winnigfirst prize in the student category in 2013 and third prize in the artist caterogy in 2020. I have participated in the Lamu Painters Festival in 2015 & 2017."

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