Sherin Elbaroudi


"Geography is my inspiration, mainly maps, where I combine their lines with contemporary techniques of painting and drawing to express human values. "


Sherin Elbaroudi

Sherin Elbaroudi, a distinguished Egyptian plastic artist born on March 15, 1981, has etched her mark in the world of art through her remarkable journey. Her artistic path has been characterized by academic excellence, a notable presence in prestigious exhibitions, and a collection of national and international accolades.

Sherin's academic journey commenced with her graduation from the Faculty of Art Education in 2003, laying the foundation for her profound artistic knowledge and skills. Her unwavering commitment to art education led her to attain a Master's degree in Arts Education in 2016, further enriching her expertise.

Her artistic prowess has graced numerous local and international group exhibitions, solidifying her status as a prominent figure on the global art stage. Sherin's participation in esteemed events such as the Egyptian Youth Salon, Beijing International Biennale (2017), International Book Biennial at the Romanian Museum of Modern Art (2011), and the Luxor International Painting Symposium (2017) has earned her an array of national and international awards, attesting to her exceptional talent and dedication.

Sherin's artistic muse lies in geography, particularly maps, which she skillfully integrates with contemporary painting and drawing techniques. This unique approach allows her to delve into profound human values and experiences, offering viewers a thought-provoking journey into the essence of life.

Sherin Elbaroudi's artistic journey has transcended borders, earning her recognition and representation in various countries and esteemed institutions. Her captivating creations find a proud place in prestigious locations, including the Museum of Modern Art of Egypt in Cairo, the Museum of the Book of Art in Romania, and the Museum of Seljek University in Turkey. Furthermore, her art graces the Ministry of Culture in Cyprus and resides in esteemed private collections across the globe, spanning Austria, France, India, Belgium, Russia, and Italy.

Sherin's artistic voyage reflects her ability to seamlessly blend geographic elements with contemporary art techniques, resulting in impactful and visually striking creations. Her global presence in exhibitions and collections serves as a testament to the universal appeal of her work and the enduring influence of her artistic vision.

Intersections #3
The 3rd edition of the "Intersections" exhibition, which ran from 12 to 14 July, was a real success, celebrating Angola's vibrant contemporary art and offering attendees an unforgettable experience. The exhibition was supported by several brands that presented innovative experiences during the pre-opening. Read on to find out more
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